Teaching Jobs
The following are open positions.
For questions or to apply, contact us at kay@proxis-group.org

ELA Teacher
SALARY: $50-55K
BENEFITS: Health & Tuition
LOCATION: Metro Boston Area
REQUIRED: Bachelor's Degree in English. Psychology, Sociology, Education or related field.

Special Education Teacher
SALARY: $60-65K
LOCATION: Metro Boston Area
REQUIRED: Special Education Licensure

Science Teacher
SALARY: $65-70K
BENEFITS: Health & Tuition
LOCATION: Metro Boston Area
REQUIRED: Bachelor's Degree in Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Engineering, Math, Geology, Education or related field.

About Us
Working Towards a Better Tomorrow
Teacher Leadership Network is a community of professional educators committed to opening and maintaining a dialogue about how to support and educate teachers in the 21st century so that the next generation will be prepared to make this world a better place. We are also dedicated to advocating for teacher professionalism and for fair and safe working conditions. Founded by educators for educators, we support effective and innovative teaching models, value identity and integrity and promote equity, diversity and a healthy work/life balance for educators at all levels.

What we do
TLN actively engages its members in collegial, professional and pluralistic discourses to facilitate and enrich the professional and personal ethos of our network. Through seminars, workshops, lectures, forums, courses, publications and other mediums, we provide a bottom-up, community-centered and cooperative organization, focused on thoughtful, practical and reflective habits of mind. We advocate for local, state, and national change in schools that support equitable, effective and grounded teaching and learning without excessive government corporate intrusion. And, we petition and articulate for the significantly increasing public investment in public education K-College in The United States and seek the dissolution of unfunded government mandates in public schools.
We come together to discuss, share and solve our commonly held education problems, questions and share our achievements. We meet in person and online for seminars, group discussions, panel discussions and workshops. We have held events focused on: teacher burnout, problematic student behavior, curriculum development, high-stakes testing, holistic assessment, teacher licensure, standards-based instruction, competency-based grading, gender and racial bias in schools, safe and healthy working conditions, effective instructional strategies, material selection, education technology, mindfulness, the organization of schools, school culture and leadership development. The group's primary goal is to support our members through strengthening our connections, sharing our resources, passing along advice and making new connections.

Our Core Values
Our Core Values
Building community
Sharing a diversity of ideas, philosophies and practices
Promoting equity, acceptance and diversity
Protecting and reclaiming teacher autonomy
Healthy work/life balance
Fostering a openness, curiosity and mindfulness
Reimagining education for the future
Asserting our professionalism
Collaborative action
Cooperative discourse
Our Goals
Working Towards a Brighter Future
Build a community of professional educators.
Develop a collaborative dialogue among educators that benefits students and teachers.
Establish relationships among educators that advance their individual professional interests.
Build an exclusive centralized repository of teacher resources.
Influence local, state and federal policymakers to adequately fund public education, reduce unfunded mandates and encourage teacher autonomy.
Publish members research and teaching resources.
Sponsor a podcast.
Partner with organizations offering quality Professional Development for educators.